Q1: 24675 (use grep -v '#' GAVIN-Plus_Demo_1000G_Spiked.vcf | wc -l) Q2: 7 (to be sure, use grep -v '#' GAVIN-Plus_Demo_1000G_Spiked.vcf | cut -f1 | uniq) Q3: 8 (use grep -v "#" GAVIN-Plus_Demo_1000G_Spiked.RVCF.firstpass.vcf | wc -l) Q4: indels Q5: 9 (use grep -v "#" GAVIN-Plus_Demo_1000G_Spiked.RVCF.vcf | wc -l) Q6. rs113993990 (use diff GAVIN-Plus_Demo_1000G_Spiked.RVCF.firstpass.vcf GAVIN-Plus_Demo_1000G_Spiked.RVCF.vcf) Q7. rs63750261 Q8. 50% (use grep 'rs63750261' GAVIN-Plus_Demo_1000G_Spiked.vcf to see original genotype) Q9. epilepsy Q10. 0.0378 (3.78%) Q11. no Q12. rs200307063 in DLD gene (see: https://www.umcg.nl/IDocuments/LAB-F024602E_UMCG_Conditions_and_genes_included_in_UMCG_preconception_screening_test.pdf)